In the current digital age, a shift towards remote workers has become more and more prevalent. One of the industries that has seen a dramatic increase in the number of remote workers is the healthcare industry. Companies that work in the healthcare industry and have employees that travel from home to home, or from one facility to another on a daily basis, have shown significant increase in employee satisfaction and productivity. However, these increases aren’t guaranteed just by switching from stationary to more remote workers; it requires proper management of employees to maintain their comfort and also ensure that the job is done in a timely manner. Here are some of our tips to properly manage your remote workforce:


  • Proper Employee Selection

This one seems like a no-brainer. In a working environment where a large element of trust has to be present, an employer needs to know that the hired staff are trustworthy and motivated to do the job correctly without the need for overbearing supervision. One of the ways this can be avoided is by checking with former employers of the worker to see if they have shown high levels of motivation or if they have been in remote working positions and have performed to the standard that the company upholds.


  • Proper Utilization of Technology

The development of a lot of tools to monitor remote employees has made this a much more viable option for companies to explore. The utilization of chat software that makes is easy for remote workers to communicate with their employers allows for them to feel more involved in daily activities of the firm. Additionally, mobile apps that require mobile workers to check in on location and provide routine updates are a good non-intrusive way to make employees are sticking to their schedules.


Check out our mobile solution for tracking attendance here.


  • Provide a Trusting and Personal Work Relationship

An issue that seems to commonly arise for mobile workers is that they struggle to feel like part of the company, contacted only for job updates and generally forgotten about during the assignment of other tasks. This can lead to the impression that the employee is not trusted and may end up falling between the cracks. Simply speaking to remote workers about non-work related things and getting to know them on a personal level promotes a better relationship.


All in all, although something that can be abused if left mismanaged, workers have shown to work much more – up to 5 hours more per week – when placed in a good mobile working environment. So, save yourself some money, invest in the right app to communicate with and keep track of your employees and develop a trusting relationship by joining the ever-growing trend of mobile workers.